Bluegrass Tom
JoinedTopics Started by Bluegrass Tom
Personality Type That Draws One To WTBTS
by searching99 ini was thinking about this last night and after reading the previous topic about the gb believing or not it has me thinking again.
i am continually amazed at how a "new" religion can cause ones to abandon all previous beliefs and they are never questioned again.
i am third generation.
Does the GB believe the doctrine themselves?
by GBSJG inafter reading crisis of conscience i got the impression that most on the gb actually believe all the doctrine themselves or at least that they believe that they are doing there best and god is helping/blessing them.. this sometimes seems unbelievable to me considering that they know about all the bad things in the org and see so many problems that the rank file normally does not notice or know about.
i'm currently reading combatting cult mind control by steve hassan.
when reading that book i can see that there are some cults that are far worse then the jws.
Will we see the GB replace 1914 with a new date in the next 30 years?
by nvrgnbk inray franz mentioned in crisis of conscience that in 1980 schroeder, klein, and suiter proposed changing the start of "this generation" from 1914 to 1957. as the "this generation" doctrine has since mysteriously morphed any date associated with it is moot.
however, as time marches on without the developments anticipated by the gb may they again pick a new year, this time for the invisible enthronement of christ, in an attempt to buy time and regain credibility?
what dates or historical events would be likely choices?
Defending WT changing Doctrines
by stillajwexelder inok - dont shout at me -but i know that archaeologists will change a theory based on a new find.
so will historains.
so will scientists.
Facing reality about getting older
by JH inas jw's we weren't supposed to get that old and fall sick, all depending on how old we were when we joined.. but time is passing by and we are getting older, and sicker and
was it hard for you to accept that you will one day die, after being told that paradise is just around the corner?.
Stuck in a dead-end job because of obeying anti-higher education policy?
by nvrgnbk indid you refrain from obtaining a degree or advanced studies when you had the chance because it wasn't the witness thing to do?
how has this affected your life?
comments, rants, and personal experiences please.
Questions & Replies for JW's that invite you to the memorial
by moomanchu in.
i thought it would be a good idea to have a thread about this given the season.. i have some ideas rolling around in my head but i haven't researched them enough to make a really good argument or point.. does anyone have links to other threads or web sites about this topic.. help me and others give a reply to the ones who are taunting us.. .
For those who were raised in "the truth"
by Hangin_on inhow many of you always felt like you would be killed at armageddon no matter what you did... it was never enough and your parents put a guilt trip on you?
The WTS society admits that the door to door ministry is inefficient
by cultswatter inlook at what the scans below say.
that publishers spend considerable gas and insurance and time to go from door to door to place the odd magazine or book.
in reality the jw publisher is footing the whole bill and then some.. the jw publisher has to spend about 100 dollars per month for every dollar from donations received for literature sold at the door.. i know this to be true as i used to flog books at the door.
Show me the money
by onacruse inmany accusations are made, freely and (imho) frivolously tossed about, regarding the monetary motivations for various and sundry wts policy/publication decisions.
i have myself made many such statements.. however, if i was pressed to provide evidence for any of these accusations, i would be embarrassingly empty-handed.. interpolations, insinuations, circumstantial evidence, et.
al., aside: what irrefutable evidence is there that the wts has ever made a change simply and solely because of financial considerations?.